
Javascript common array methods

In this tutorial we are going to review the most common and used methods to manipulate arrays in Javascript. A cheat
sheet of array methods are listed below:

To add/remove elements:
  • push(...items) – add an item to the end of array.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    arr.push("Orange"); // Adds "Orange"
  • pop() – extracts an item from the end of array.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    const str = arr.pop(); // Removed "Red" from arr and assign
    it to str
  • shift() – extracts an item from the beginning of array.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    const str = arr.shift(); // Removed "Black" from arr and
    assign it to str
  • unshift() – adds items to the beginning of array and returns the new length.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    const str = arr.unshift("Orange", "Violet"); // Adds
    ["Orange", "Violet"] to the beginning or arr which will now be ["Orange", "Violet", "Black", "Green", "Yellow",
    "Red"] and assign new length i.e 6 to str
  • splice(pos, deleteCount, ...items) – at
    index pos deletes deleteCount elements and inserts items
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"]; arr.splice(2, 0, ["Orange", "Violet"]); // Adds ["Orange",
    "Violet"] after "Green", new arr will now be [ "Black", "Green", "Orange", "Violet", "Yellow", "Red"]
  • slice(start, end) – creates a new array, copies elements from
    index start till end (not inclusive) into it.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    const arrNew = arr.slice(1, 3); //Assign ["Green", "Yellow"]
    to arrNew, arr remains unaffected
  • concat(...items) – returns a new array: copies all members of the current one and
    adds items to it. If any of items is an array, then its elements are taken.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    const arr2 = ["Violet", "Pink"];
    const arrConcated = arr.concat(arr2); //new array with Values ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red", "Violet", "Pink"], arr and arr2 remains unaffected
To search among elements:
  • indexOf/lastIndexOf(item, pos) – look for item starting from
    position pos, return the index or -1 if not found.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red", "Green"];
    const found = arr.indexOf("Green"); //returns 1
    const foundLast = arr.indexOf("Green"); //returns 4 i.e the lastIndex
  • includes(value) – returns true if the array has value,
    otherwise false.
    const arr = ["Black", "Green", "Yellow", "Red"];
    const found = arr.includes("Green"); //returns true
  • find/filter(func) – filter elements through the function, return first/all values that
    make it return true.
    const arrAge = [15, 18, 21, 12];
    const arrFiltered = arrAge.filter(function(currentValue, index, arr){
    return currentValue > 15 }); //returns all ages greater than 18 i.e [18, 21]
    const intFind = arrAge.find(function(currentValue, index, arr){ return currentValue > 18 }); //returns the first age found greater than 18 i.e 21
  • findIndex –  is like find, but returns the index instead of a value.
    const arrAge = [15, 18, 21, 12];
    const intIndexFound = arrAge.findIndex(function(currentValue, index, arr){ return currentValue > 15 }); //returns the first index of
    age found greater than 15 i.e 1
To iterate over elements:
  • forEach(func) – calls func for every element, does not return anything.
    const arrAge = [15, 18, 21, 12];
    arrAge.forEach(function(item, index, arr){ arr[index] = item * 2; }); //[30,36,42,24]
To transform the array:
  • map(func) – creates a new array from results of calling func for every element.
    let arr = [15, 18, 21, 12];
    arr = => { return int * 2 } );
  • sort(func) – sorts the array in-place, then returns it.
    let arr = [15, 18, 21, 12];
    arr.sort((a, b) => (a > b ? -1 : 1));
  • reverse() – reverses the array in-place, then returns it.
    let arr = [15, 18, 21, 12];
    arr.reverse(); //[12,21,18,15]
  • split/join – convert a string to array and back.
    //split const str = "Hello There";
    const arr = str.split(" "); //returns ["Hello",
    "There"] //join
    const arr = [12,21,18,15]; arr.join() // Returns "12,21,18,15"
  • reduce/reduceRight(func, initial) – calculate a single value over the array by
    calling func for each element and passing an intermediate result between the calls.
Other Functions:
  • Array.isArray(arr) checks arr for being an array.

Please note that methods sortreverse and splice modify the array itself. These
methods are the most used ones, they cover 99% of use cases.